We are here with 14th issue of our journal which contains lots of topic about social sciences and in which we strive to make an important heritage for next generations. We experience the same enthusiasm in our every new issue just as it is our first issue and we also work hard to place our journal among the abroad indexes.
The difficulty of publishing an academic and intellectual journal is obvious. In this sense, both refereed essays should be a part of the process, and the rejection of the essays that do not abide by the rules are the main difficulties for the publisher. But this situation is a must for refereed journal.
The desire to be published with academic names of essay owners in researchinvestigating writings is the topic urging us. That kind of writings, before being sent to referees, its publishing after the consensus of the Edıtorıal Board or by large majority, make meaningless. However, we , nonetheless, publish these features.
We want to remind that articles we publish in our journal have not been published in anywhere before and these articles are evaluated according to arrival order to our center. We give our special thanks to; Our Publishing Committee members, altruistic referees who always support us morally, our members of board of foreign languages, dear researchers who send their articles, and technical staff who publish our journal. Hope to meet in our 15th issue again…
Feyzullah EROGLU
The Management Idea of Islam in Qur’an
Onepart of individual and social relation ships cover the management relations in all social systems. In a sense, management relations are power relations between managers, who have authority on decision making, and ruled, who have an implementer position. In case, main cultural components which have been shaped management relations named as the universe contemplation. In this context, if a society's or a religion's fundamental universe contemplations were known, it would be possible to know main principles and rules of management relations expand in that system. One of the sources that signify the universe contemplation in Quran is ''the parable of Adam andgenesis''. In this study, main management principles and rules of Islam will be tried to detect in terms of the verse about ''the parable of Adam and genesis''.
7 - 29
Management relations, the universe contemplation, the parable of Adam and genesis, management principles and rules
Effect of 1007th Article of Civil Code on Land And Cadastre Workers
1007th article of Civil Code makes Government responsible of all damage caused by land registry records. As a result Government returns all damage to workers who lead this error. Therefore 1007th article is the biggest problem of workers in all 957 Land and Cadastre departments and this article creates a stressful working environment to these workers. Presence of stress causes workers to make faults. All works in land and cadastre department should be carried out calmly, away from stress. However 1007th article prevents this situation. Apart from this, it is also stated that this 1007th article creates future concern for these workers. Presence of such concerns effects the private life of these workers who have signing authority. As a research hasn’t been carried out on this issue to reveal the emotional state of workers, probability of negligence is very high. In this survey, apart from legal dimension of 1007th article, it is argued how this article affected the workers emotional states. A general questionnaire has been applied in Aydın Department of Land and Cadastre to identify the effects of 1007th article on these Land and Cadastre workers. Total field of survey consists of workers of Land and Cadastre departments in Aydın and its all districts. In this questionnaire, 101 out of 196 cadastre workers are reached. It’s aimed to measure the reactions of workers against stress caused by 1007th article.In every single step of this questionnaire, effects of said article and future concern related to this article are observed. There are 35 expressions related to effects of this article such as “switching government agencies”, “re-nounce inheritance” ,“ how Land and Cadastre workers approach to marriage” and,” statute of limitation”. According to results of the survey, some answers to this questionnaire are found to be quite interesting. Effects of related article on workers are seen by the negative responses to the question “ Would you like to marry to a Land and Cadastre worker or would you like to marry one of your children to a Land and Cadastre worker?” It is also seen that there is concern related to the questions about switching government agencies, renounce inheritance and statute of limitation. Answers to the question about Insurance Companies reveal that this situation make workers to feel themselves either "worthless” or “forgotten” and this is an entire other point to be researched.
30 - 104
1007th article of Civil Code, Land and Cadastre Workers, rescission, future concern, inheritance, Aydın
Ali Erdem AKGUL
A Sociological Analyses on E-Government and Citizenship Relation (In Aydın)
Communication technologies have become an inseparable part of daily life advancing expeditious especially after the last quarter of the 20th century. In consequence of development and spreading widely of computer networks and technologies, boundaries of time and place have been highly compelled and communication of people with each other has become easier going beyond the global dimension. Changes in technology are effective in economic, political, social and cultural areas and also cause new processes of change. Both “citizenship” and the “state” are affected by this situation. “E-government” is an expression of the new government concept which has been caused by the increasing requirements in time and will stand by means of information and communication technologies. It is a sociological necessity that e-government projects and practices are also worked and examined in such a process. E-government and citizenship relation have been examined sociologically in Aydın city center. A purposive sampling technique has been used in this study. This study shows the quality of a descriptive research for assessing the situation and a total of 650 questionnaires have been applied within the framework of it.
105 - 119
Government, E-Government, Citizenship, Information Technologies, Internet
Rifat USLU
Exile of Punishment in Islamic Law
The Punishments in the Islamic Law, they are divided in to three groups; “Hadd Punishmends” “Kısas and Diyet Punishmends” and “Tazir Punishmends” There is a disagreement amangst the Islamic Denominations that exile is a “ tazir punishment” or “hadd punishment” According to Hanefe Denomination, exile is not a “hadd punishment” but a “tazir punishment”. For other three denominations, exile is a part of “hadd punishment”. Nevertheless, according to Maliki Denomination, while it is implemented only for the men, for Şafii and Hanbeli Denominations, there is no difference in implementation both for men and women.
120 - 131
Islamic Law, Punishment, Exile