• ISSN: 1308-9412 * e-ISSN: 2757-7120
  • 0(256) 214 48 21

Issue 15

Issue 15

  • Period: 2015 - July - December
  • Volume: 7


  Feyzullah EROGLU


Arabic Management Style and Its Effect on Turkish Management Style


The continuity of social life is allied with living in confidence, comfort and welfare. Providing confidence, comfort and welfare is possible by managing numerous people and groups that have different aims, demands, expectations and values in a monolithic manner. Any society's social structure and cultural system that have been in historical process is a sign of how that society will be governed. In other words, the real background of societies' man-agement system is designated by cultural codes about management relations.Stratification and power relations between strong and weak classes are decisive in the main axis of management relations. In this study, the interaction between Arabic management style and Turkish man-agement style that substantially have common religion and cultural systems after tenth century were examined in the light of various historical data and phenomenon.

  7 - 33

  Management thinking, Arabic management style, Turkish management style


  Mesut MEZKIT


State Management and Intellectual Mind


Government makes lower and higher layers of society closer to each other and provides close relationship between these layers in a fair approach. This transition between lower and higher layers depend on the "fatness" of middle layer. This term also defined as obesity is used to clarify the muchness of middle layer. If this layers between lower and higher layer loses weight or even turns into anorakcia, these society can not be managed and no one can mention about a fair management here. If this fatness goes towards to lower layer, this means that higher layers of society are distincted from other parts of society. This kind if situation cleary leads to anti govermental movements. Besides labour class' seeking for fair treatment, this increased gap between lower and higher layers leads society to look for different ideologic movements. If noble class rule, slavery will become more common and due to this situation, governors will face certain rebellious acts. In this article, importance of consultation mechanism will be taken into hand which also proves the existence of intellectual mind and high quality management.

  34 - 45

  Management, justice, fair, intellectual, consultation, labour movement, management tradition, philosophy, Nuşirevan


  Husamettin INAC, Emel COKOGULLAR


The Ideal Of “Manhood”-“Womanhood” On Television And The Reproduced Roles


The mass media in daily life is effective in transporting the roles of social gender. As a part of this mass media television has a capacity to shape this process of transporting. In Turkey for the TV programs telecasting during the day zone in particular, the wedding, marriage and matchmaking programs are most popular ones which led to reproduce the social gender identity by means of both candidates and the aspirant meeting with the candidate. In such a kind of programs, while “womanhood” is identified with home and the roles of home, “manhood” is restricted especially with the ‘strength’ and expected to hide their feelings and protect the woman attributed as ‘weak’ anyhow.

  46 - 54

  Marriage Programs, Frankfurt School, Day Zone, Mass Media, Cultural Industry




Nuclear Energy: An Evaluation of Turkey and World Scale


There are nuclear power plants in 31 countries around the world. When we take a glance of countries which have nuclear power plants, it is observed that the developed countries are ranked first in this regard. According to International Atom Energy Agency (IAEA) data, there are 437 nuclear power plants which meet 13,5% of world energy needs. There are 72 nuclear power plants under construction in the 16 countries including Turkey. The nuclear power plant constructions and nuclear energy production will most likely increase in the future. In the study, which covers the nuclear energy production at the global and Turkey’s scale, from the first nuclear power plants in 1954 to date the nuclear energy will be analyzed and discussed

  55 - 68

  Energy, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy in the Turkey, AkkuyuNuclear Energy Power Plant, Uranium


  Ali Budak


Localism and Tradıtionalism in Orhan Pamuk


In his novel “A Strangeness in My Mind”, Orhan Pamuk tells us about thecity of Istanbul, which has under gone or changes and transformations starting from t he 1950s, through the life and love affair of a streetvendor named Mevlut Karataş, who sells yogurt and boza, a traditional Turkish beverage. Merely by this aspect, the novel may not seem so inventiveor an attention catcher. However, the novel is quite remarkable as a fiction due to its structural properties, and its techniques of writing and narration. Pamuk’s original perspective and approach in tackling and interpreting this seemingly ordinary content is worthlaying emphasis on. For Orhan Pamuk, what distinguishes novels from other narrations is the presence of an undisclosed center in novels. That center is far from the level that can be traced through existing words, somewhere in the background, out of sight and uneasy to capture. What we aimed to do in this article was to trace the central emotion and the idea, which may be regarded as the ‘major issue of the novel’. What kind of a second life does the novel “A Strangeness in My Mind” offer us? We searched for an answer to this question while also investigating the writing and the narration techniques.

  69 - 90

  Orhan Pamuk, A Strangeness in My Mind, localism, traditionalism




Advantages of Symbiotic Organization Forms: A Research on Companies Operating in a Shopping Centre in Çanakkale


Companies cooperate with other companies strategically in order to survive and ultimately maintain their lives in environmental uncertainty and complexity. Symbiosis is defined as the coexistence of two dissimilar organisms for mutual benefit, and expressed as an important tool in terms of companies can maintain their lives. Advantages of symbiotic organisation forms are reviewed in this study with a sample of companies operating in a shopping centre located in Çanakkale. As a result of the study advantages of symbiotic organization forms are sorted as; low costs brought by the convenience of transportation to the target markets, use image of shopping centre, lower degrees of competition, increase of sales because of the discount dates of main company (shopping centre), provide more protected location to the company compared with actual market, synergies captured due to the combination of known and strong brands, and new market entry strategy.

  91 - 100

  Strategic cooperations, Symbiosis, Symbiotic relation, Shopping Centres


  Oncu Yanmaz ARPACI, Mutlu ARMAN


A Study on the Administrators and Employees’ Organizational Justice Perceptions


Justice has a meaning of performing and protecting rights and law and it is irreplace-able for human beings to live together in identical environment. Justice is an important fact for organizations as of its individual and social existence. For the reason that organizations has been established by and consist of human beings, justice is substantial to sustain trueness and rightness. Therefore the attitudes in the fields of resources, the rewards and the protection of interests are relatively significant for the justice perceptions of employees. To be treated equally and fairly by the managers and by the organization is an essential requirement for most employees. In any organization the decisions are questioned critically by the employees. Or-ganizational justice is a function of authority within the role of trueness or protecting the rightness in an organization. This study has been performed in a textile company in Denizli and the perceptions of the employees regarding justice and accordingly organizational com-mitment or sense of leaving the job are investigated. The questionnaire and interview methods are used together to evaluate the perceptions of the employees. The questionnaire forms have been handed out to 300 employees and 218 questionnaire forms have been rated. The findings have been analyzed with SPSS 16 package program. As a conclusion, findings regarding the perceptions of organizational justice and organizational commitment or sense of leaving the job do not differ from gender, level of income, position in the organization, educational background and the age of employees.

  101 - 122

  Organizational Justice, Organizational Justice Perceptions


  Mesut MEZKIT


Editors's Note

We are here with 15th issue of our journal which contains lots of topic about social sciences and in which we strive to make an important heritage for next generations. We experience the same enthusiasm in our every new issue just as it is our first issue and we also work hard to place our journal among the abroad indexes.

The difficulty of publishing an academic and intellectual journal is obvious. In this sense, both refereed essays should be a part of the process, and the rejection of the essays that do not abide by the rules are the main difficulties for the publisher. But this situation is a must for refereed journal.

The desire to be published with academic names of essay owners in researchinvestigating writings is the topic urging us. That kind of writings, before being sent to referees, its publishing after the consensus of the Edıtorıal Board or by large majority, make meaningless. However, we , nonetheless, publish these features.

We want to remind that articles we publish in our journal have not been published in anywhere before and these articles are evaluated according to arrival order to our center. We give our special thanks to; Our Publishing Committee members, altruistic referees who always support us morally, our members of board of foreign languages, dear researchers who send their articles, and technical staff who publish our journal. Hope to meet in our 16th issue again…