Sevket YIRIK, Abdullah USLU, Muhammet Fatih SANCAR, Doðan KUTUKIZ
Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Silence in Hotels: The Case of Antalya
Organizational justice, are one of the important elements for the organization and the community. Especially, it affects the performance of employees significantly. Organizational justice and the silence, largely significantly affects efficiency, in the labor force and service-based hotel businesses, as a result of this, which affects the profitability of the company too. In this study, was aimed to determine the relationship between organizational justice and organizational silence in the hotel business. For this purpose, a survey were applied for hotel businesses employees. Various hypotheses are also included in the study. Datas were obtained by using the survey, results were trying to achieve through various analyzes such as frequencies, regression, ANOVA were tried to determine whether significant differences between relationship of organizational justice and organizational silence and demographic characteristics of the employees. According to analysis results, silence of the majority of hotel employees are low within the organization and the sense of justice is high within the organization. Organizational justice negatively affects organizational silence. So when justice perceptions of employees increases within the organization, organizational silence decreases. In addition, has been determined that justice perceptions of women employees are higher than man employees within the organization.
7 - 15
Hotel, organizational silence, organizational justice
Feyzullah EROGLU
Management Thought in Gokturks
Although people were advanced and sophisticated, it continues to need help of other people and support of other sources to maintain personal and social assets. In this context, the executive process of certain activities through particular methods and with different people is called management. Each management process consist of a system to achieve the expected goals a set of “values”, some inferior “institutions” and "customs"."Values", "institutions" and "customs" that take part in management systems are expected to be within a certain stability and consistency as they are constituted for the solution of social or organizational problems. Management system which was established by Gokturks is well-balanced and consistent one compared to other Turkish management systems. In this sense, Gokturk management system was taken as a reference for the following management mechanisms established by Turks.
16 - 28
Management System, Kut and Mores, Assembly, Merit and Capability, Right of Resistance
Ali Ceker
A Field Study in the Context of the Natural Environment’s (Geomorphology-Hydrography) Effects on the Agricultural Activities: Dalaman Plain Case Study
Agricultural activities are firstly carried out and shaped according to the geographical conditions prevailing in that area. When this condition is ignored, as a requirement of the natural environment it is always concluded with negative results. Well known features of the natural environment and shaping of agricultural activities on the basis of this awareness-making is the fundamental to the realization of sustainable development.This study intended to make an example for the impact of the agricultural activity of the natural environment features put up with a study area. The study which examined the effects natural environment features of Dalaman Plains on agricultural activities geomorphology and hydrography features has been discussed. The study was conducted in two parts. In the first part of the study, the effects of geomorphological characteristics on the agricultural activities area were examined. In the other part, the effects of hydrography properties on the agricultural action have been analyzed.
29 - 50
Dalaman Ovası, Doðal Ortam Özellikleri, Tarım
Building a Society With no Knowledge, Wisdom and İdea in Knowledge Era
As we enter through the third millenium, refering to knowledge and information underlines its importance. Knowledge and wisdom, mile stone of a civilisation... Beliefs without knowledge are lapsed as well as knowledge out of an unaccepted society will also fall short. Think of a building with no solid subgrade, you are sure that this building will collapse at any earthqauke and therefore it is easy to realize that wisdom without knowledge are shallow for our world. In this research, how realistic it is to center the reading activity and show relation of knowledge and wisdom. These points are disccussed.
51 - 63
Knowledge era, Knowledge, Wisdom, wise, meditate, Art of Allah, Moral Philosophy, Tube baby
Mesut MEZKIT, Murat Kemal AVCI, Ozkan OZKAYA
Adnan Menderes University (ADU) From Yesterday to Today and It
An evaluation has been carried out with rector of Adnan Menderes University; Proff. Dr. Cavit Bircan about "Adnan Menderes University From Yesterday to Today and It's Place and Aim in Turkey 2023 Vision". ADU's place among Turkey's and worlds universities and it's contributions to Aydın province has been evaluated. Evaluations have been made about ADU and Aydın's economical, social and cultural issues and effects of these points to people of Aydın and Aydın to itself. City and University relation is deeply analyzed in terms of negative impacts and how these impacts have been changed to positive impacts. ADU's approaches to Main law, system change, presidentship and secu-larism have been asked and got related answers.
65 - 72
Adnan Menderes University (ADU), Aydın, Proff. Dr. Cavit BİRCAN, Adnan Menderes, Turkey-2023 Vision
Author Mesut Mezkit's Interwiew With Land Registry And Cadastre Workers
" An interview is carried out with Mesut Mezkit who published a book named " Emotional States of Land registry and Cadastre Workers" upon his master thesis of " Effect of Civil Laws 1007th article on Land Registry and Cadastre workers" about the aim of thid book and why this research is carried out. Questions of where this research is carried out and genders of those who participated in research are asked. Finally all results are evaluated and which proposals can be made upon these fin-dings.
74 - 85
1007th article of Civil Code, Land and Cadastre Workers, rescission, future concern, inheritance, Aydın
Zafer EFE, Husamettin INAC
Organization, Equipment and Tefekkürât (Doctrine) (3T) Perspectıve in Smokless Powder Technology ( Example of The 18th and 20th Century Ottoman Army)
In the studies of war history and strategies, investigating the causes of success and defeat the army of the issues usually focused on the commander as a historical personality characteristics and advantages of military equipment. In fact, this assessment, although effective in determining the result of the war, especially the essential elements troops psychological and physical qualities that the creation of the army, of the nature of the equipment used by the military and the military-equipment relationship arising tactical and strategic and organizational planning and control assessment withthe square of the operational feasibility of the situation, the nature of battles in history occurred at that time and objective assessment of conditions can together withthe fact that is of great importance. In this study; as the need arises withthe war occurred during the exit process of emergence of the nation state in Europe, defeated army in an effective and soon hostile elements withthe least damage and most casualties in the need to win the costumed war, a product of the technological development of the needs of the war environment with smokeless powder technology and the emergence in Europe of this technology in the process of being used by the Ottoman army in the 18th century and 20th centuries in The Ottoman Army. Organization of this technology during the reform period, equipment and tefekkürât (doctrine) What kind of changes in terms and it leads to conversion, how to make an impact on the functioning of the military and bureaucratic system of organization, it is essential in the creation affect how the military, the human factor is size and how affected international relations in the Ottoman Empire are the main issues that the research question. During the study period; archival documents written copyright works dealing with primary sources and issues derived from the document analysis method of studying military history research in the army of the innovation process in tangible changes and transformations that have occurred, which constitutes the physical structure of the military institution and the idea of military and civil personnel involved into these institutions and spiritual how to create a structure that made the critical effect used where a change and transformation in how institutions with equipment used by the military as individual equipment and tried to analyze the relationship of human substance.
86 - 104
Organization, Equipment, Doctrin, 3T, Smokeless Gunpowder, The Ottoman Army, Smokeless Gun Powder Technology
Masculinity in Fiction of Madness: Mir’at-i Cünûn
In Ottoman literature, everything about Ottoman men has to be blindingly obvious if we accept that Ottoman men created centuries old Ottoman literature, and if it is possible to describe this literature as ‘masculine literature’. However, this is not what it looks like. Men preferred to hide themselves although to a lesser extent than women who were desubjectified. They underwent changes depends on perception of masculinity. The purpose of this work is to understand a male poet’s, Yenişehirli Avnî’s personal and social fiction and perception of masculinity by using his work Mir’at-i Cünûn in 19th century.
105 - 115
Yenişehirli Avnî, Mir’at-i Cünûn, madness, masculinity
We are here with 16th issue of our journal which contains lots of topic about social sciences and in which we strive to make an important heritage for next generations. We experience the same enthusiasm in our every new issue just as it is our first issue and we also work hard to place our journal among the abroad indexes.
We want to remind that articles we publish in our journal have not been published in anywhere before and these articles are evaluated according to arrival order to our center.
Our valuable writers will be with you in this issue, too. We are sure that academic articles and reviews will enlighten you. Hope to meet in our 17th issue again…