State Management and Intellectual Mind
Government makes lower and higher layers of society closer to each other and provides close relationship between these layers in a fair approach. This transition between lower and higher layers depend on the "fatness" of middle layer. This term also defined as obesity is used to clarify the muchness of middle layer. If this layers between lower and higher layer loses weight or even turns into anorakcia, these society can not be managed and no one can mention about a fair management here. If this fatness goes towards to lower layer, this means that higher layers of society are distincted from other parts of society. This kind if situation cleary leads to anti govermental movements. Besides labour class' seeking for fair treatment, this increased gap between lower and higher layers leads society to look for different ideologic movements. If noble class rule, slavery will become more common and due to this situation, governors will face certain rebellious acts. In this article, importance of consultation mechanism will be taken into hand which also proves the existence of intellectual mind and high quality management.
9 - 21
Management, justice, fair, intellectual, consultation, labour movement, management tradition, philosophy, Nuşirevan
Feyzullah EROGLU, Seyda IRDEM
The Anger Phenomenon and Anger Management in Organizations
Anger is a healthy emotion like other emotions that people who have the feeling them from human birth. To the extent that can be control these feeling, it gives individuals the ability to have the required attitude and behavior to overcome the obstacles encountered and get rid of unpleasant situa-tions. But, levels and expression forms of this feeling that exists in every individual vary from person to person. This feeling reach a level of emotion that can not be controlled with the impact of the factors that triggered the anger, it gives rise to very serious emerging violence and death in individuals. In this case, it gives rise to the need that can be manage the anger as individual- organizational- social and increases the importance of anger management. In this study, anger levels in the organizations, expression styles of anger and the levels of anger control are investigated by utilizing a questionnaire respondents that consisting from administrative and academic staff and students in the Pamukkale University Bekilli Vocational High School. The main research limitations of this survey are the issue is important sensitively and the issue of subjective perception. After research, it has been found although individuals in the organization have a trait anger level, they can keep their anger under control and are provided that the overall success in anger management in organizations.22 - 41
Anger, aggression- violent behaviors, anger management
Celaleddin Serinkan, Sabira Kasimbaeva
Determination Factors Influencing Career Trends of the Students at the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University
The aim of this study is to determine which factors influence the students who study at the Faculty of Administrative Science and Management of the Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University while determining career after graduation and what kind of differences there are in terms of the departments. A questionnaire has been used in order to collect data for the study and 148 questionnaires have been evaluated. Students studying their third and fourth year at the departments of Economy, Business, Finance and International Relations have been taken a sample for the study. We have used frequency, arithmetic mean and standard deviation analyses while defining priority level of factors affecting the planning their career. T-test and ANOVA have been applied for differentiation conditions among groups of the study. It was determined that mothers influenced more the students taking part in the research while choosing a career and this influence can be seen on the girl students. Besides, differences in terms of their family, professional suitability according to the personal characteristics, the level of the knowledge gained by the profession and it’s reliability in future have been established.42 - 48
Kyrgyzstan, Manas University, FASM, Students, Career, Career trends
Feyzullah EROGLU
The Management Idea of Islam in Qur’an
Onepart of individual and social relation ships cover the management relations in all social systems. In a sense, management relations are power relations between managers, who have authority on decision making, and ruled, who have an implementer position. In case, main cultural components which have been shaped management relations named as the universe contemplation. In this context, if a society's or a religion's fundamental universe contemplations were known, it would be possible to know main principles and rules of management relations expand in that system. One of the sources that signify the universe contemplation in Quran is ''the parable of Adam andgenesis''. In this study, main management principles and rules of Islam will be tried to detect in terms of the verse about ''the parable of Adam and genesis''.49 - 71
Management relations, the universe contemplation, the parable of Adam and genesis, management principles and rules
Ahmet KOC
The Relationship Between Nomads and the Administration in the Ottoman Countryside: The Settlement of the Tabanli Turkoman Tribe in Ankara
It is known that the Bozulus Turkomans which were one of the most extensive nomadic communities of the East and South-east Anatolia spread out in Anatolia from the end of the 16th cen-tury. The Bozulus Turkomans which were more populated than many towns in Anatolia and began to live in Ankara, Karaman and Aydın areas. Like the other Turkoman tribes from Bozulus, the Tabanlı tribe spotted the productive lands around Ankara for themselves. When the Tabanlı tribe began to settle in Ankara area the Ottoman administration obliged them to pay various taxes and the nomads established a social life in this way. In this work, considering the Tabanlı tribe’s obligations it is dealth with their social order, mukataas and services for the state. Nomadic Tabanlı Turkomans faced some problems when they were fulfilling their obligati-ons. The policies of the Ottoman administration about the Turkomans and the problems the Tabanlı tribe faced in Ankara area directed nomads to thuggery. The question what was the causes leading Turkomans to thuggery is important because it is the key for understanding the other cases in Anatolia. Meanwhile, during the banditry events that made constant by the Turkomans in Anatolia some groups related to the Tabanlı Turkoman tribe migrated from Ankara to the Western Anatolia. The Ottoman administration, in one hand tried to bring back these groups, on the other hand deported the tribe members who engaged in banditry around Ankara to Rakka. In this work, the historical process the Tabanlı Turkomans got into is analyzed in the light of the Ankara court records (şeriyye sicilleri) and other archival documents.
93 - 120
Ottoman Administration, Ankara, Nomad, Turkoman, Bozulus, Tabanlı
Turkey's Policy Alliance and Participated in International Security Alliances (1928-1938)
The new Turkish State showed, with its positive relations, peaceful neighborhood that it founded during the process in which it was re-modeling its foreign policy, and the Sadâbat Pact and peace of Montreux which was founded with peaceful, friendly intentions, that the global and regional peace and common security must be established and protected with the participation of all states. The common peace, common security and regional unity policies of the new Turkish State had awakened echo around the world and enhanced the reputation of the state abroad in a very short time.
121 - 136
the Turkish foreign policy, common peace, common security, alliances
Ahmet Nahmedov
Name Taboos in Turks and Some Reflexions it
The name taboo which is observed in many places around the world has been influential in the life of people at different social and economic levels since old times and has been carried up to now with prohibitions in mentioning the names of Gods, emperor and relatives. J. G. Frazer relates the name taboo with attractive magic incident and states two reasons for this: First one is not to draw the attention of bad souls the second one is to prevent bad deeds of magician who learns the real name. The name taboo among Turks has different types such as not mentioning and /or changing the names of person/relative, god/possessor/soul and some animals (probably totem). The reason for not giving a name or giving false names especially to boys among Turks is to prevent them from bad souls. It is clear that people prefer some characteristics of bad souls instead of naming their real names in order to defend themselves from their bad deeds. Since animals have the ability to hear and understand people, the names of especially predacious and dangerous animals were not mentioned in order to prevent themselves, different attributions were given instead of this.
137 - 143
Name taboo, bad names, Names of emperors, names of God/possessor, names of animals