• ISSN: 1308-9412 * e-ISSN: 2757-7120
  • 0(256) 214 48 21

Issue 18

Issue 18

  • Period: 2017 - July
  • Volume: 9


  Kemal Ramazan HAYKIRAN


Wolf or Lamb: Some Thoughts on Sheikh Bedreddin and His Rebellion


One of the most important events that the Ottomans faced during the transition from a state to empire was the rebellion of Sheikh Bedreddin. The Sheikh Rebellion which took place in 1415 at a delicate time in the regin of Çelebi Mehmed just after the Fetret Period, has been described in many different forms by the historians, so far. While Sheikh Bedreddin was defined as a sectarian rebellion by some, on the other hand it was accepted as a revolt that was organized by different social classes. In this study, it will be tried to be defined with a new interpretation of the conditions under which the rebellion was driven by taking into consideration the characteristics of Shaikh Bedreddin Rebellion besides the geography and the features of the period.

  8 - 19

  Saheik Bedreddin, Çelebi Mehmed, Torlak Kemal, Börklüce Mustafa


  Osman Kursat ACAR, Muhammet Huzeyfe EFE, Isa CELIK


Skill Management and Labour Turnover Speed Relationship In Human Resources Management: The Case of Isparta


Employees and firms, modernized under the fierce competing of the globalizing world, have undergone a radical change in professional life. In order to be successful in this environment, businesses have to follow contemporary management structures and implementations. This is skill management which is one of new developments. Skill management that is the process of recruiting, training, improving and benefitting properly from employees, is an important implementation to reduce labour turnover speed. In this study, turnover speed and skill management relationship of 5 businesses, which were chosen among businesses having 100 and more employees, has been analyzed within qualitative research method. Consequently, it was reached that skill management understanding was not adopted completely due to the reasons such as lack of employees working in the field of human resources management, inadequate labour supply and demand of the city, severance pay, low wages policy and not being institutionalization of business. Accordingly, studies on skill management for reducing labour turnover speed weren’t encountered.

  20 - 32

  Skill, Skill Management, Human Resources Management, Development of Human Resources Management, Labour Turnover Speed


  Seyma Gun EROGLU


Informal Subculture Formatıons in Postmodern Culture and The Impact of Management Relationships


Business organizations are founded to produce certain goods and services. Jobs and tasks related to each stage of business organizations -from planning to the reaching of products to final consumer- are carried out through "people". Employees in business organizations interact with one another in the context of their mutual activities, feelings and thoughts during their work. As a result of the mutual interaction process of employees in organizations, informal groups emerge in line with various purposes and targets besides the formal working groups. In addition to informal groups arising from the relationships of employees in organizations, the postmodern culture, which has witnessed a great diversification with the globalization process, has accelerated the emergence of informal groups in organizations, which are extensions of various subcultural formations shaped by macro-sociological structures. In this study, informal groups in organization are researched.

  33 - 42

  Postmodern Culture, Informal Sub-culture Formations, Management Relationships


  Mesut MEZKIT, Isa Celik


Dreadful Food Imperialism Of Neo-Conism PL 480 (The strategy of USA to corrupt societies) -What means GMO (Genetically modified organism)?


Have we ever thought why heart attacks are increasing nowadays, why people die in hospital queues? How children of an empire that ruled all world for centuries became unable to think? Why material corruption caused moral descent? Why our people suffer from illnesses so much? What are the reasons for these situations? What prevented Muslim Turks from eating a well balanced diet? What are the reasons that prevent our people think and the reasons in the increase of mental disorders? What is the cause of the illnesses in our country while these illnesses do not exist in Western societies? What is the main reason that made Turkish people guinea pig? Are genetically modified organisms (GMO) the second step? Is there a direct link between GMO and PL 480? How an exploitation is planned?

  43 - 63

  neo-conism, food imperialism, genetically modified organisms GMO, GMO and PL 480, USA to corrupt societies: PL 480


  Yrd. Doc. Dr. Seyma Gun EROGLU, Dr. Erdal ALGA


Organizational Dissent as to Open System Approach


Organizations are the entities integrating definite resources and providing people for cooperation to achieve delibrate objectives. When the theories of organizations are examined, organizations have been accepted as closed systems until the emergence of the systems approach. Both classic and neo-classic organizational theories neglect environment of organization, the relationship with it, and focus on the inside of organizations. In time, it is realized that organizations own dense inner environment and very wide outer environment. It is necessary for organizations to operate as complete open systems in order to maintain their existance effectively and productively in the global competing climate. When organizations take decisions and perform their activities, organizational dissent is one of the most approporiate organizational concept and instrument in pruducing new information and providing energy continuously without subjecting to entrophy.

  64 - 86

  Open system, organizational dissent, prevention of entrophy


  Suleyman Faruk GONCUOGLU


From The First Small Mosque to The Present Day


From the first small mosque to the present day the mosque is a reflection of lifestyle that can be abstracted many topics as a password, a tradition, a behavior, a silhouette and a formation of architectural space in.Within the development of Islam and human culture we can tell as many as small mosques and mosques that can be jumped to its minaret by horse or is told with a sad love story with their different sides. Architectural buildings reflect the secrets of the time they were built in. Almost every age has its own peculiar architecture.Architecture vision of societies change according to their religious or philosophic culture. In this point, projects are not just buildings but they are the life themselves. They are the beginning points of districts and cities. And the very beginning of this system are mosques. In Islamic city planning , mosques are at the heart of cities. Cities are built and develop around mosques. Islam Civilization makes mosques pulse of society spiritually as social, cultural ve political centers while placing a mosque at the center of city and also supporting this idea visiualy.

  87 - 101


  Mesut MEZKIT, Yrd. Doc Dr.Isa Celik


The View of Jewish-Christian Cross Alliance on Immigrant Issue and Ensar Country: Turkey


Turkey Immigrant issue is the biggest problem of our country and the world. Turkey has been made great sacrifice because of being a place where is widely residing or crossing point for immigrants. Especially, it is very important to behave like guests to immigrants.Turkey is in first place to shelter and to help immigrants in the world.However, Western world, rather Jewish-Christian cross allianceignore the immigrant issue The approach of Turkey and West will be discussed in the paper.

  102 - 107

  ensar, emigrant, Jewish-Christian cross alliance, Immigrant, Immigration, Turkey ENSAR - People who helped immigrated muslims





We are here with 18th issue of our journal which contains lots of topic about social sciences and in which we strive to make an important heritage for next generations.

The difficulty of publishing an academic and intellectual journal is obvious. In this sense, both refereed essays should be a part of the process, and the rejection of the essays that do not abide by the rules are the main difficulties for the publisher. But this situation is a must for refereed journal.

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The desire to be published with academic names of essay owners in research-investigating writings is the topic urging us. That kind of writings, before being sent to referees, its publishing after the consensus of the Edıtorıal Board or by large majority, make meaningless. However, we, nonetheless, publish these features.

We give our special thanks to; Our Publishing Committee members, altruistic referees who always support us morally, our members of board of foreign languages, dear researchers who send their articles, and technical staff who publish our journal. Hope to meet in our 19th issue again…