• ISSN: 1308-9412 * e-ISSN: 2757-7120
  • 0(256) 214 48 21

Issue 20

Issue 20

  • Period: 2018 - December 2017- July
  • Volume: 10


  Mesut MEZKIT


Based on the Medina Convention, Based on Mecca Spirit Envisioning New Civilizations and Turkey


Theviolationof humanrightsandfreedom Kabil made; amongthesons of Hz. Adem, has continueduntil today which began he grabbedtheright of Habil’slife. Despite thesehistorical experience, itseems that it willlastifwelook at theillness of‘othering’ andhyistoricalpractices. Theimportantpoint in thebase oflivingtogether is thatwe can refertotheconception of civilization if weapplythese right stot he minimum level andapply thein dividual rights in theframework of all the customs. The construction of a newcivilization is possibleby presentingtheage of the century past theim putation of the authentic tradition.Itmust be the mainpurpose of the New Administrative Philosophy, which is to besensitivetothejustice of theindividualswhomakeupthesociety, to not allowvindictiveness, tobecome a "one" in differenceandtotakethe main taskof interlocking

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  Living New Management Philosophy Together , Constitution of Medina, Mecca Spirit , Civilization Imagination, New Turkey


  Kemal Ramazan HAYKIRAN


Crusades to Aydın Province: Aydınoglu Ghazi Umur Bey’s Struggle Against the Crusaders


The Crusades, that began in the XIth century, continued in subsequent centuries with the changings in nature and methods. One wave of these crusades was initiated in the face of systematic Turkic conguests of Western Anatolian shores that began in XIIIth century. Most striking of them was the crusade that Aydınoglu Ghazi Umur Beg faced which resulted from his activities in İzmir and its hinterland. Such that, Aydınoglu Ghazi Umur Beg, more than once, had to fight against crusader fleets on the shores of İzmir and Aydın.

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  the Crusades, Aydın Province, İzmir, Ghazi Umur Beg




Reconciliation or Conflict? Islamophobia as a Threat toGlobal Peace and It’s Basic Sources


Among the most important problems that the global World faces today are xenophobia, the rise of extreme-right political discourse, racism and global terrorist acts. These concepts and events that are most prevalent in the international public are undoubtedly built on the fact that, directly or indirectly, an individual identifies another identity through subcategories such as identity, belonging, religion, language and belief. Since September 11, 2001, the transformation of alienation into a more fragile and sophisticated point on the global level and, in particular, with the thesis of the Clash of Civilizations, which substituted Islam instead of Soviet Empire and its ideology, the way for Islamophobia has been opened. In this study, a theoretical discussion on Islamophobia as an actual phenomenon and an evaluation and analysis on the basic sources of the matter are given.

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  Islamophobia, Xenophobia, Clash of Civilizations, September 11th, Migration


  Nezahat BELEN




In a democratic society, it is important for women to take part in the political system. women's position in Turkey as "wife" and "mother" except that exists outside of the adoption of the political life and supporting this idea with various regulations in this direction, It is important for the removal of the obstacles in front of the Turkish woman in social and political life. Derivation of women's rights in Turkey is an important part of the history of Turkish modernization starting with the Tanzimat period. Every step taken in the fields of education and culture has directly increased the influence of women in society. However, with the acquisition of political rights, the woman has been stripped of its position as a secondary figure throughout history. Women are politicized and socialized with different social, economic and political interests arising from their gender roles and relationships.

In our country, the woman actually existed in political life since the 1930's, when she was elected and elected but it still does not take place as a decisive and effective actor in the context of representation (the problem of underrepresentation). On the other hand, it is widely argued that women need to be included in the political decision-making process for a more inclusive and democratic structuring. However, the practice of this idea is unfortunately not sufficient in parliament, local units and political parties In this study, the representation of Turkish woman (under representation) in Aydın province is evaluated in the light of concrete data, Turkey has fully demonstrated that the extent of overlap. As a matter of fact, when considering the limited participation level in all dimensions of the political arena, starting from the example of Aydın, It should be said that it is not surprising (!) That the current position of the Turkish woman in the political scene is not in the expected place.

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  Women, Representation, Aydın, Democracy


  Oðuzhan SAHIN


Refugee Problems in Search of New Order -Aydın Province Example-


Immigration is an important process with its causes and effects which influence both the individuals immigrating and the people living in the places which allow immigrants. As it is considered that the process is completed sturdily only by being able to adjust to the country settled down, it is questioned, after Syrian individuals immigrating to a different country, how the problems with accessing to the healthcare and education services and adjusting the social life, culture of the region and the troubles experienced due to the wars reflect on the social life.

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  Gamze POLAT


My Toys on the Road to Immigration

People choose to migrate in order to provide their children with a more livable environment in relation to the situations like economic, social, war, natural disaster. They can lose their children during this migration while they are trying to prepare a better future for them when they choose this way. According to research, there are approximately 62 million refugees in the world, 40% of whom are children under the age of 12. According to the information in some sources, the number of

immigrant children alone reached about 26 thousand, of which 9 out of 10 children goes on a dangerous journey without their families, and approximately 700 immigrant children lost their lives on their way to Europe and again about 5 thousand immigrant children died in the Mediterranean or disappeared.

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  Rumeysa Girgin


Legal Status of Syrian Immigrants

Today, the civil war in Syria is a matter of direct relevance to Turkey. Being Syria’s neighbour caused this an inevitable result. No matter from which side we look at the problem the civil war in Syria is a great human tragedy. This problem that the Turkish government is approaching with humanitarian emotions is leaving Turkey to deal with a huge economic burden alone in the short term and causes almost all the issue to be inflicting on Turkey in all dimensions due to the UN's insensitivity. After this mass migration, the status of the Syrians began to be discussed. Are they refugee, asylum seekers, immigrants, guests or lasting...

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