Celaleddin SERINKAN, Fuat GUNEY
Some Considerations About Strategic Relations with Turkey and Central Asian Countries
XX. Century environment that determines the basic facts of international relations was the East-West divide. This divergence based on ideological reasons, as a result of the collapse of the USSR Empire has disappeared. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, which obtained political independence of the Central Asian Republics, Turkey in all areas initially has been seen as a model country by these countries. With these states based on a solid foundation are necessary to establish ties of friendship and brotherhood. If this is not feasible policies that require responsibility, in the context of relations with the Turkish nations, may be suffered deeply disappointed. In this case, a historic opportunity not only got out of hand, it also created a new state of the environment along with the shaping of the future opportunity may not occur. Besides, this state interests in the region, the effect of the power of Soviet imperialism or colonialism can push to survive, a new colony of the Russian Empire to fall on the state of environment can be created. In this study, Turkey's relations with Central Asian countries are trying to be analyzed until 2014. Turkey is very important for Central Asia, due to its geographical location and strategic resources, including the Russian Federation and the United States, other forces are in the primary area of interest. Republic of Turkey, which experienced major conflict of interest in that land, it will be seize the new opportunities that arise in case of significant progress towards becoming a global power.
7 - 26
Turkey, Central Asia, Countries, Relationships, Strategy
Filiz COLAK, Ferhat KAYA
Rauf Onursal
Turkey, half a century ago has entered into an election atmosphere with the participation of multiple parties for the first time. In this election, the majority of the people who took the vote was the Democratic Party led by Celal Bayar and Adnan Menderes, who came out of the CHP. The same electorate used the DP in local elections. DP municipality was mostly active in poor neighborhoods, which were somewhat forgotten and where services did not go sufficiently. This paved the way for the services that are appreciated by the public. Rauf Onursal, the first mayor of the DP in İzmir, tried to meet the basic needs of poor districts such as roads, water and electricity with a populist approach and realized many projects during his time. These projects are still showing their existence even today. The most concrete example of this is the Variant Road that connects the mansion and Eşrefpaşa road. Although Rauf is an Honorary Millet deputy and the mayors who succeeded him after he left office, they did not have as controversial terms as Honorary. In this study, the activities of Rauf Onursal between the years of 1950-1954 during the mayoral period will be tried to be dealt with by giving profit and loss ratios.
27 - 46
Rauf Onursal, İzmir, Municipality, C.H.P., D.P.
Historical Sources In The Grand Menderes Bosin and Cultural Tourism
Recently the new form of tourism in the worl is shaped by cultural tourism. The Grand Menderes basin that constitutes Anatolia and İt’s main part may not be isoleted from tgis development in tourism.Grand Menderes is not only important in agriculture but also in tourism. The physical and anthropological situation of the basin has been the basin fort he antique culture that is the subject of the cultural tuorism. The basin is the most populated aria of our country in the means of antique settlements. Two of the most visited archeological sites ( Hierapolis and Aydın – Milet ruins) are also in the settlements from the antique perşod that are open to cultural tuorism. These archeological sites are Hierapolis , Aphrodisias , Milet , Didyma , Priene , Herakleia , M. Magnesiası Alinda , Alabanda and Nysa. İn additionthe basin has also many historical buldings and an important battle aria that are needed to open to tourism. Geography is base of immovable culture. With this excursions in the Grand Menderes Basin the cultural tourism of it is brought out in the geographical viewpoint.
47 - 56
Geographg, Histori, Tourism, Cultural, Basin.
New Reading of Family Budget: Financial Literacy
The financial literacy level of the individual and the family has been one of the important topics of the last century. Especially developed countries have taken various measures to realize this situation long ago. Countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia are working on financial literacy. In the studies carried out, the steps taken and the necessary steps to be taken in order for the individual to develop in this regard as a whole and the society as a whole are checked and updates are made as needed. The importance of Financial Literacy has emerged with the global crisis as well as many other factors. Together with the Morgage Crisis, it has become one of the primary problems of the households. In addition, as individuals began to become lonely about their income during retirement, individuals began to realize that they had incomplete information about monetary issues. Savings are now on the agenda of the individual. In addition to the savings, the way in which the savings are evaluated and the ways in which the investment tool can be used has gained importance. It is not possible for individuals to be confused in an environment where there are many and complex options in the growing and globalized financial systems. The answer to this problem is Financial Literacy. Financial literacy is useful not only in saving matters but also in managing the family budget. Some of the many problems we encounter while maintaining our life, such as invoice payments, tax payments, education expenditures, housing loans, will be able to overcome these problems through financial literacy. When evaluated socially, the proliferation of conscious individuals on the financial issue will bring along social welfare. Only in this way will the development of total development be opened. Great steps will be taken in achieving the overall development goal by providing support to individuals, state and non-governmental organizations and financial literacy.
57 - 70
Financial Literacy, Financial Education, Financial Ignorance, Social Support, Econamic Support, Finance, Ekonomy
Do All Roads Lead to Rome? From Fragmentation to Integratıon
From the dissolution of the Roman Empire, until the end of the Second World War, Europeans fought on the or outside the continent among each other. War is not the only problem of the continent. Europe suffered from diseases, migration, economic problems, environmental catastrophes for many centuries. Western Europeans attempt to find a final solution for these issues; after nearly 1500 years of fragmentation they initiated integration after the last great catastrophe of Second World War. Moreover, integration cannot be thought without foreign policy and security. After the centuries of fragmentation Europeans caught an attitude of being united and having a common manner towards to the “outside”. Fears, traumas, prides, experiences and accumulation of past can be seen over almost all steps of the integration process. This study, tries to examine the basic conditions which allows the today’s integration possible from the disappearance of Roman Empire to the Treaty of Rome that established European Economic Communities with the perspective of foreign policy and security.
71 - 85
Foreign Policy, European Union, Integration, Security
Ali Aslanoðlu
Soraya and The World of Thought
"A boring day," "a sulking day," "a tiring day," Soraya was sitting with her family and watching TV and was evaluating today within herself. She was bored because every day was the same as the previous day. She suffocated because she could now read everything that was happening around her, and as she grew up and as her opened eyes, she was strangled as her awareness increased. She was suffocating because her soul was tightly fitting in her body. Though she had many things to say, she kept her silence...
87 - 131