• ISSN: 1308-9412 * e-ISSN: 2757-7120
  • 0(256) 214 48 21

Issue 3

Issue 3

  • Period: 2009 - Autumn
  • Volume: 1


  Rabiz CAKI



Hello! We are İn front of you with our third issue. Publishing a magazine, especİally an international refereed magazine is a hard business, requires patience and it is just like digging a well with a needle : investigation of every single piece of article by two referees who are experts in their fields and give importance to privacy, adding and individual additions are made if seen necessary, translating the articles, making arrangements and finally publishing. Main work is distributing the magazines. We are distributing this magazine all university libraries, top one hundred universities of the world, international libraries, ministries, official departments to General Staff after it is scanned by Prime Ministry National Archives Management. It is out of doubt that due to these process which we just told superficially , there may be some problems. Some of our readers want to see the size and formation of New Idea Magazine as they are used to see in other refereed magazines. We are happy to see criticisms made on this point. Seeing that our magazine is read in our country in which there some academicians who are lack of enough knowledge in their fields, not only remove our fatigue but also makes us more powerful. Our main aim in publishing this magazine is not only publishing academic articles but also create a new age by publishing the articles of those who are not academicians and introduce their articles to international individuals or departments. On this point we have editorial staff and arbitration court.


  Ensar NISANCI, Ishak TORUN


IndıvıdualsS Role In Transformation Of Islamic Political Identification And Democratization Issue


Pan-islamism becomes to be one of the most important references of all the public discussions of academic and communication instruments with social and political thematic that is going on about modern Turkey. Indeed, it doesn’t seem quite possible that the discussions about the modern Turkey would be logical and safe enough without mentioning this issue. Because, the dramatic increment of Islamic visibility in public area and in this context, the place of Islamic movements in modern Turkey and naming the innovations, have a prerogative and important role in understanding of Today’s social and political atmosphere

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  Suleyman Faruk GONCUOGLU


From The Fırst Small Mosque to The Present Day


From the first small mosque to the present day the mosque is a reflection of lifestyle that can be abstracted many topics as a password, a tradition, a behavior, a silhouette and a formation of architectural space in.Within the development of Islam and human culture we can tell as many as small mosques and mosques that can be jumped to its minaret by horse or is told with a sad love story with their different sides.

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  Mustafa GUNES


Some of The Determınatıons About Gaybî Sun’ullah’s Poetry Unıverse ( Keşfü’l-Kıta)


Sun'ullah Gaybî from Kütahya, the follower of Yunus Emre, Keşfü'l-Gıta. Ratherly known with the title “Hüdâ Rabbim”, Sun'ullah Gaybî Effendi from Kütahya, was one of the mystic poets of the XVII. Century. In 1649, with his father's suggestion, he went to İstanbul. There he joined the service of his hodja, İbrahim Effendi. He stayed in İbrahim Effendi's dervish lodge for six years and underwent a period of suffering and then became his caliph. With his frank and understandable Turkish, he proved that he is a good follower of Yunus Emre. In his poetry, he used both syllabic meter and aruz (a prosody written according to the rules of classical Ottoman poetry) meter. Among his collected poems, there is famous qasida, called Keşfü'l-Kıta, with 99 verses. One of the well-known poems of Gaybî, Keşfü'l Kıta deals with the special topics concerning the creation. This poem was copied by the scribers (the writers who copy the work by handwriting) either in the introduction of the collected poems as a part of it or in the end as an extension. This poet, in consideration of its content, can be accepted as the summary of Gaybî's collection of poetry. Gaybî sees all the existences in the universe as the manifestation of God, in other words, as different images, manners and reflections of him. In the first verse of his famous ode, the poet expresses that on the visible and invisible faces of the object, there is no other truth other than God and everything else is composed of his only one actuality. The first verse of the qasida is accepted as the summary of all the ideas of the poet. We are going to discuss this poem's general content and topics in some of its verses

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  Sun'ullah Gaybi from Kütahya, The Follower of Yunus Emre, Keşfü'l-Gıta.


  Mesut MEZKIT


Dreadful Food Imperialism of Neo-Conism PL 480 (The Strategy of USA to Corrupt Societies)


Have we ever thought why heart attacks are increasing nowadays, why people die in hospital queues? How children of an empire that ruled all world for centuries became unable to think? W hy material corruption caused moral descent? Why our people suffer from illnesses so much? What are the reasons for these situations? What prevented Muslim Turks from eating a well balanced diet? What are the reasons that prevent our people think and the reasons in the increase of mental disorders? What is the cause of the illnesses in our country while these illnesses do not exist in Western societies? What is the main reason that made Turkish people guinea pig? Are genetically modified organisms (GMO) the second step? Is there a direct link between GMO and PL 480? How an exploitation is planned?

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Interview with Cengiz ALTINTAŞ


Human being has always dealed with something since its creation. He has sometimes been satisfied with his works and sometimes not. He has sometimes finished works in time and sometimes not. Concept of time is different for every one. Some regard it as boring and some insufficient. However, time concept is different for everyone. A man does work and complains about lack of time, another one does more work and still finds time for other activities. Now, we are with one of those men who can find time for both work and activities, Cengiz ALTINTAŞ. The most interesting side of Mr. Cengiz is that he has worked for government department for four years and after that he has been successful in both private sector and politics. He says even these are not enough, there is much to do.

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