Emine ONGUN, Kalender Ozcan ATILGAN
Investigation of Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention Towards Upcycled Foods
Growing awareness of environmental issues and food waste has increased the focus on sustainability in food systems, leading to increased interest in upcycled foods, which are products made from by-products, unused or discarded materials. As part of a circular economy model, upcycled foods not only help reduce food waste, but also offer a viable alternative to traditional food production with potential benefits for both the environment and consumer health. In this study, consumer knowledge, attitudes and purchase intentions towards upcycled foods were examined with data obtained from 500 consumers through online surveys. As a result of the study, it was determined that consumers did not have sufficient knowledge about upcycled foods, but when their statements regarding their purchase intentions for upcycled foods were examined, it was determined that they had the potential to purchase upcycled foods in the future.
01 - 09
Keywords: Upcycled Foods, Attitude, Purchase Intention
Murat Sengoz
Examination of the Feudal System and Traditional Nobility Titles in Austria
This study provides an in-depthexamination of the historical development of the feudal system and noble titlesin Austria, along with their social, economic, and political impacts. Feudalismis one of the key elements that shaped the social and economic structure ofmedieval Europe. In Austria, the Habsburg Dynasty effectively managed thefeudal system, strengthening central authority while allowing local governmentsto maintain their independence. In this process, noble titles played asignificant role and were associated with land ownership and social hierarchy.The study emphasizes how the Habsburgs expanded their territories throughstrategic marriages and military alliances, thereby determining the dynamics offeudal relationships and the functioning of the nobility system. In the modernera, feudal remnants continue to exist as part of the social and culturalheritage. In this context, the reflections of feudalism are still felt inpresent-day Austria, and the historical influences of the Habsburgs play animportant role as a part of national identity. In conclusion, the feudal systemand the concept of nobility in Austria are critical for understanding both thehistorical process and the complexities of contemporary social structures.
10 - 21
Keywords: Feudalism, Dynasty, Nobility Titles, Social Hierarchy
Derya Cetin
Genetic Inheritance And Environmental Factor In Rabia
Individuals are considered to be shaped by the family they are born intoand the environment in which they live. During the process of acquiringindividual consciousness, these two fundamental factors play a role inaccordance with the strength of their influence on the person’s existence. Asthis process progresses, the traces of these influences can be observed atvarious stages of the individual’s life and experiences. While these traces maysometimes be clearly visible, they can also be more ambiguous at times,requiring careful detection in such cases. In particular, in the earlyRepublican period novels, environmental factors have a significant impact onthe shaping of characters, and this influence is revealed through the effect ofthe era. In Halide Edip’s Sinekli Bakkal, Rabia holds a special place inthe narrative due to both the characteristic traits she inherits from herfamily and the environment in which she lives. Throughout the novel, shesimultaneously serves as a witness to the era and a spokesperson for it. Withtraits inherited from her genes and the influences of her environment, shedevelops a remarkable identity. While Sinekli Bakkal reflects thefeatures of its time from various aspects, Rabia’s character compels us to viewher as an independent figure shaped by her environment and experiences. Rabia’sdevelopment and transformation process also reshapes our perspective on theenvironment she inhabits. Sometimes, we approach events from Rabia’s point ofview, while other times, we evaluate her stance on the events; in this process,both genetic and environmental factors come to the forefront as we analyse ourprotagonist. This study contributes significantly to the literature byanalysing the interaction between genetic and environmental factors in the shapingof characters in Halide Edip’s Sinekli Bakkal, thereby evaluating Rabiaas an independent character.
22 - 28
Keywords: Environment, Genetic Heritage, Sinekli Bakkal.