• ISSN: 1308-9412 * e-ISSN: 2757-7120
  • 0(256) 214 48 21

Last Issue

Issue 6

  • Period: 2010 - December
  • Volume: 2


  Mukerrem KURUM



I was very excited when Mr. Mesut Mezkit asked me if I can contribute to the magazine that he was planning to publish which covers massive information about social sciences and which will revive readers’ reading enthusiasm. Generally prestigious magazines, such as refereed journals and journals full of academic articles were familiar to me but as this was going to be my first experience I was very happy. After a challenging brain storm for magazines form, content and topics we also discussed on magazine’s possible names and we agreed on the name “The New Idea”. The reason for this was that this magazine examined all articles of social science deeply and provided people lots of information.

Now, this is our 6th issue. At first many people thought that it was very hard to survive in this economical crisis however, our publishing 6th issue revealed our determination. I believe that this magazine which presents very interesting information in each issue will last very long and will contribute more and more to society.

This issue will consist of collected works. Making this a tradition, we tried to present almost all articles of our two year issues, especially academic ones in this issue. We strive hard to last long and become be resource of information for researches. For this reason we continue our way regardless of all difficulties.

From now on, web site of The New Idea Magazine is activated and you may check our site from www.yenifikirdergisi.com.




New Novel


The term nouevau roman (new novel) appeared in France after 1950. It is referred to as postmodern fiction in Britain. Divergence from the traditional fiction began with Marcel Proust’s novel ‘Swann’s Way’ published in 1913, with the novel ‘The Modification’ published by Michel Butor in 1957 came most prominent dissociation. In 1916, Tristan Tzara, Romanian-born French poet and writer , founded dadaist literature movement in France. Dadaism rejects all the pre-existing fictional genres . The fact that in 1924, Andre Breton wrote the Manifesto of Surrealism and Louis Aragon signed it put an end to dadaism,and there appeared surrealism. J.P Sartre articulated the theory of existentialist literature movement in 1939.Thus, the age of surrealism completely closed and there came existentialism .’Nauesa’, the novel written by Sartre in 1938 and ‘The Stranger’ written by A. Camus in 1942 are the best examples of existentialism. ‘ The Erasers’, the novel of Alain Robbe -Grillet published in 1953 and ‘ La Modification’ written by M.Butor in 1957 are sample novels of nouveau roman .In nouveau roman , the unity of subject and succession of events are not essential elements

  7 - 19

  Dadaism,New novel,Surrealism,Existentialism


  Yucel Oðurlu


People of Dagestan and Language


It is one of the regions in which languages are concentrated as in lndonesia, Caucasia and lndia. Though there are many other reasons suggested for the variety of languages

In the region, natural and territorial obstacles are the most important reasons for these variety.It is out of doubt that, mountains, deep valleys, rivers caused these people to communicate less and as a result new dialects came in to use. From the tops of high Caucasia mountains to the hillsides, according to some, there are 40 and according to some other there are 80 languages which are being used by these people. There are Caucasian language, Turkii and lranian languages which are being spoken in Caucasi. Turkii languages are known in Turkiye as scientific and ethnologic investigations were made on them. As a result, we investigated languages in Caucasia which are relatively less known in contrast to Caucasian languages and on which we think there weren't enough investigations carried out in Turkey.

After this introduction we want to give information about the languages in Dagestan region. We start with the languages matter in Dagestan, the most frequently asked questions on our this issue.

  20 - 35


  Reiese Dunyamaliyeva


Process of Proctecting The Right of Heritage in Azerbeijan Law


Right of heritage is in one of the property rights. For this reason right of the heritage is protected in tow ways like other rights of property. First of these is protecting the heritage through courts and the second is protecting this right without applying to the court. In our article, proctection of rights of heritage in Azerbeijan laws is investigated.

  36 - 49


  Celaleddin SERINKAN


Some Evaluations of strategic Management Practices on Denizli SMEs


In this study, the importance and benefits of strategic management in terms of SMEs are highlighted and SMEs, working in Denizli, perspectives to strategic management and their implementation levels were investigated. Research results showed that the level of strategic management and business activities is not enough and strategic management practices were not included.

  50 - 61

  Denizli SMEs, Strategic Management, Business Activities




Views of the Workers in Burdur Small Industrial Sites


This study was aimed at examining the views of the workers in Burdur Small Industrial Sites on their vocation and education. 112 randomly selected workers (ali of them male) working at small industrial sites in the province çenter o f Burdur constituted the sample, in 2007. A specially developed "semi-constructed interview form was administred to the sample group. This is a qualitative case study. The results of the study were analyzed by using content analyses procedure. This study indicated that Burdur Small industrial Sites workers have encountered numerous problems in terms of their vocational and educational positions.

  62 - 77

  Small industrial sites workers, vocation, education, interview, qualitative study


  Bunyemin Gurpinar


An Analysis over Article 339 of Turkish Commercial Code in terms of Corporate Governance, Agency Problem and Riyal Business


In incorporated business governance is generally carried out by professional governors. T.C.C (Turkish Commercial Code) made it compulsory to possess share in incorporated business to take part in governance, howeever in application, having a symbolic share is enough to perform this. As a result, govemor attributes of business governance and professional governors as individuals go on both on the occation of real share ownership and symbolic share ownership. It is possible that there would be some arguements betvveen shareholders and governors in incorporated business. These are called "vertical advante conflicts." Main reason of this confiicts is the possibility of misusing the authority related to representing. This is called agency problem.

  78 - 94


  Mustafa GUNES


Some of The Determinations About Gaybî Sun’ullah’s Poetry Universe ( Keşfü’l-Kıta)


Ratherly known vvith the title “Hüdâ Rabbim”, Sun’ullah Gaybî Effendi from Kütahya, vvas one o f the mystic poets of the XVIL Century. In 1649, vvith his father’s suggestion, he vvent to İstanbul. There he joined the service o f his hodja, İbrahim Effendi. He stayed in İbrahim Effendi s dervish lodge for six years and undervvent a period o f suffering and then became his caliph. With his frank and understandable Turkish, he proved that he is a good follovver of Yunus Emre. In his poetry, he used both syllabic meter and aruz (a prosody vvritten according to the rules of classical Ottoman poetry) meter. Among his collected poems, there is famous qasida, called Keşful-Kıta, vvith 99 verses. One o f the vvell-knovvn poems o f Gaybî, Keşfu 1 Kıta deals vvith the special topics concerning the creation. This poem vvas copied by the scribers (the vvriters vvho copy the vvork by handvvriting) either in the introduction of the collected poems as a part of it or in the end as an extension. This poet, in consideration o f its content, can be accepted as the summary of Gaybî’s collection of poetry. Gaybî sees ali the existences in the universe as the manifestation o f God, in other words, as different images, manners and reflections o f him. In the fırst verse of his famous ode, the poet expresses that on the visible and invisible faces of the object, there is no other truth other than God and everything else is composed of his only one actuality. The fırst verse o f the qasida is accepted as the summary of ali the ideas of the poet. We are going to discuss this poems general content and topics in some of its verses.

  95 - 104

  Sun’ullah Gaybî from Kütahya, the follower of Yunus Emre, Keşfu-l kıta


  Ensar NISANCI, Ishak TORUN


Individuals Role in Transformation of Islamic Political Identification and Democratization Issue


Pan-islamism becomes to be one of the most important references of ali the public discussions of academic and communication instruments with social and political thematic that is going on about modern Turkey. Indeed, it doesn’t seem quite possible that the discussions about the modern Turkey would be logical and safe enough without mentioning this issue. Because, the dramatic increment of Islamic visibility in public area and in this context, the place of Islamic movements in modern Turkey and naming the innovations, have a prerogative and important role in understanding of Today’s social and political atmosphere.Without rejecting that we give a special importance to Pan-lslamism among the discussions about Turkey, for example, in Turkey, while the change and the evalution of the social movements, which are clustered around the socialist idea, are out o f the discussions or at the interference o f the discussions , coherent to the global trend, Pan-lslamism or the Islamic identifıcation is at the çenter of the discussion. So, we can say that, the thing that take the Islamic one to the çenter of attraction is not The religion of İslam or the Islamic theology, the thing is appearing of İslam as an organizer of an identifıcation, especially,on the one hand the social movements that are clustered around the çenter o f this identifıcation gain politicqal and economical power, on the other hand increasing of the visibilith of them in public area. In other words, the discussions about this issue, treat being a Müslim as a system of worths that shapes the “living world” and the islamic groups and communities, islamic public movements, not the İslam religion.

  105 - 120


  Abdulkadir Hakim AKIL, Canan KUCUKALI


Right of Self Determination According to International Law and Problem of Chechnya


Right of “The Self Determination of People goes back from Aristotle’s ’ “only the best can be achieved by creation city govemments but not with huge empires” idea, to 158 city govemments definition in Greece. This is a flexible term which is stili discussed today that is stili being the points in various international pacts and contracts and stili keeping its importance, however countries accepted its existence in international they stili refrain from defıning it because it may damage themselves and these countries fail to define their boards as well. Apart from this, it is useful to make it clear that right o f self determination is a thing different from the rights of minorities though they seem similar to each other. For this reason, we think that it will be useful to state that we will only discuss this matter in terms of self determination term.

  121 - 146

  Self Determination, Chechnya, International Law, Minorities, The Caucasus, Independence


  Mustafa Gunes


The Words Of Our Yûnus


Word is accepted as the most valuable entity in our culture and literatüre. Life can be best explained with beautiful words. For this, word holds an extensive place in Kutadgu Bilig, one ofour relics oflslamic era. The word o f Yunus, in terms ofutterance, meaning and harmony, is perfect. What makes his words effective is alongside with his smooth saying and pleasant expression, his manners constucted upon the morality o f the Koran. The word should be carried out by the teller firstly so that it can be effective. Hence, the ones who say they don 't, are not vvelcomed in the Koran. While searching the effect o f the word, the followingfour elements should especially be considered. By whom, to whom, why and in which manner a word is said? Once analyzed from those aspects, we see that Yunus 's words are not after a fashion. It can be said that his lucid words (his poems), exceeding ages, are inspired by spirit universe. Besides, thepoetry, in its general meaning, is giving the word the best shape. Therefore, elapsing o f the time does not age, devalüe or ruin the beauty o f his words, on the contrary, increase its value. A word’s such resistance against the time is expressed with the wordy “classical ” İn that way, Yunus takes his place among the Turkish Literatüre's immortalclassics. The Turkish Language, which is convenientfor expressing so many things with few words, lays the groundworkfor Yunus's effective and vivid expression and contributed to his words. One o f the reasons o f Yunus's words' being carried över from generation to generation with great loyalty fo r seven centuries is that the Turkish Language's intuitive property is reflected on the poetry. In our statement, Yunus 's words will be handled in the light o f his verses (poems) in his collected poems (divan).

  147 - 165

  Word, The Value o f Word, The Wordin Yunus Emre


  Aysin SATAN


Analysis Of Relation Between Bullying Behaviours And Gender And School Variety Of Students At Secondary Schools


Aim ofthis research is to reveal how 6th 7th and 8th degree students are exposed to bully behaviors, how and how often and ıvhere tlıese bullying behaviors happen and kow these behaviors are evaluated by students, teachers and management. For this reason Coequal bully behaviors Survey is applied. Results ofthis survey is evaluated by using frequency and percentage system. Two hundred eighty eight girls and tıvo hundred eight boys participated in this survey. Three hundred tzoenty one of these students attend official secondary schools zvhile one hundred seventyfive of these attend private schools. According to analysis % 63.3 of these students are exposed to bully behaviors. According to gender, %52.2 offemale students and %42.8 ofmale students are exposed to bully behaviors.

  166 - 189

  bully behaviors at school, victim, despot


  Mesut MEZKIT


Ottoman is a Turkish Civilization


The last century and current intelligentsia, researchers, historians don’t agree that Ottomans are Turks so as Ottoman civilization. They agree that Otoman civilization is not a Turkish one but a combination of The abbasids and Turks. synthesising the inheritance of these civilizations they want to plant the idea of monstrosity in a way. Those who claim this idea are the people who look on the aspect as Turkish unity or who think themselves responsible for the front of a certain idea. according to them Ottomans, looking down on the Turks, both made them settle in villages and prevent them from becoming civilized. and also caused the Tursh language forgotten and disappeared. instead of Turkish language which disappeared or became a peasant one, caused a dichotomy by creating aristocratic language where there is a communication gap between the peasants and aristocrats. let’s look over the people who support this idea. Then, looking into the ideas of Turkish-Ottoman government we can demystify the idea.

  190 - 196


  Fatih GULDAL


Othered Arabs in History Books

In this article, we will see how Arab's image is formed, how Arabian society is regared in history and what king of language Arabs use in relations with other nations through the history books ofMinistery o f Education. Wide span of time and almost ali of the history books since the foundation of Turkish republic has been investigated. Besides, the effects of history text boks on the interrelation ship of these two societies hav been mentioned.

  197 - 208

  Arabs, Turks, history books, othering


  Omer GEDIK


Prohibition of Monopoly in Mass Media under the law on the Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and their Broadcasts Law No. 3984.


Mentioning the superiority of law and establishing the concept of law in a country require the existence of a democratic system.

The existence of pluralist democracy is only possible when it is provided for every department of government from tip to toe and when it is so in the frame of law. A pluralist system makes it possible for everyone to live together regardless of ideas and views, enabling different groups with different social and ecomonical levels to state their ideas freely. According to European Court of Human Rights, pluralism is a sytem which forms information that are ready to be transmitted by public without being exposed to any cencorship. European Convention on Cross Border Television also supports plularism in mass media communication. However monopolization of mass media prevents pluralism in communication. The concept of monopolization ,however, is the violation of freedom of expression, threatening the freedom of mass media communication and preventing the pluralism in mass media, thus interfering with the possibility to express the opinions unbiasedly. Again, with technologic improvements , mass media communication is of increasingly paramount importance to public opinion. Upon considering the activities of mass media to have public service function, monopolization of media will serve for personal interest and will not perform its responsibilities.

However, the tendency of media owners to use their mass media companies to increase their income outside the sector or to use them as a strategic power against politicians reminds us the importance of the investigations on monopolization of mass media.

Based on these facts, we will evaluate how the concept of monopolization in mass media is considered in legal regulations.

  209 - 222


  Suleyman Faruk GONCUOGLU


İstanbul in Travel Books


When mentioned about the travel books over Istanbul and travels to Istanbul, first things to come into mind are the travel books of Western travelers. In fact this misunderstanding has somewhat occupied our minds. We have focused on the western documents of Istanbul as recent wonderers of Istanbul. When we look at the travel books giving information about Istanbul, first of them is Ibni Batuta's "Travel Book" in 14th century. In Roman Era , he was sent to Istanbul as an ambassador and as an observer and with Arabian travelers notes, it carries rich information. Harun Ibni Yahya, lived in the late 9th century and in the very beginning of the 10th century, states that there were many Turk and Caspian youngs with golden shields and spears in ceremonies while telling us about the Caspian Empire visiting Hagia Sophia. The curiosity of Westerns of East and Eastern wealth has always provoked their will to travel. With Western Church's effects and enthusiasm of Christianity religion, travel books were published one after another. The first important stop and center of East is Istanbul. Since Eastern Roman Empire, Istanbul has charmed the dreams of Western World. This is why every travel book was a matter of interest for the readers in Western world. Today, they meant best-sellers. Why many of these books containing some useful and useless information written by the same author and the copies of each other are regarded as travel books as they included travel notes is unknown. But excessive interest in every book written on Eastern geography and Istanbul caused travel book pollution.

  223 - 235


  Mustafa BIYIKLI


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's Project of International "The Path of Peace"


General Mustafa Kemal was a leader who gave much importance and priority to th e international peace.According to him, all countries of world should struggle to keep peace and remove disagreements. For this reason, his words "Peace a t home, peace in th e world" became symbol of peace and Republic of Turkey which was founded under th e leadership of Mustafa Kemal was based on conciliatory foreign policy. Republic of Turkey did its best to keep peace and mutual securtiy between 1923-1938 under Mustafa Kemal's project of "peace".

  236 - 242

  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Tevfik Rüştü Aras, foreign policy, peace policy, peace project, mutual peace, mutual security